January 2022 Update: Auto-zoom and more…

Hey folks,

I hope you had a great start into the new year with a lot of time for your favourite audio projects! Here is a little update from my end:

Auto-zoom is almost ready for release! I was a little skeptical in the beginning of the implementation phase, but after playing with this new feature for a while I am now convinced that this is an absolute must-have for all of you wave observers. In auto-zoom mode, you do not have to adjust the vertical zoom manually because you always get an appropriate view including the highest signal peaks of the current time window. This is especially useful for larger time frames with high macro dynamics (songs, basically). It may be a little confusing for short time frames, on the other hand, but you will see for yourselves…

I will have to test the new stuff thoroughly in the coming days. In the meantime, I can already provide you with a bug-fix release for both Wave Observer and Wave Observer Pro. The latest version 1.7.2 of WO-Pro fixes an issue where you would not be able to type “-” (minus) into the text entry boxes (which was very annoying for levels, which are almost always negative dB values). The new version also implements meaningful step sizes for the keyboard navigation (no more touching your mouse…).

Download the latest version of Wave Observer Pro -> HERE <-

Thanks for your support and… Watch your waves.


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