Wave Breaker 1.1.0 now available

I am pleased to announce the release of Wave Breaker version 1.1.0. This update brings significant improvements and new features to enhance your audio production experience. Key Updates Additional Features For a complete list of changes, please refer to our detailed changelog. Updating to Wave Breaker 1.1.0 is highly encouraged to benefit from these enhancements […]

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Should I remove VST2 support?

Hey observers, While working on a new version of Wave Breaker, I wondered if I could finally drop VST2 support. VST2.4 is an old technology that is no longer available for newcomers to the market because Steinberg, the license holder of this technology, does not sign new license agreements for the use of the VST2.4 […]

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Third place at KVR Developer Challenge 🎉🎉🎉

I am very happy to announce that Wave Breaker, my new limiter plug-in, has won the third place in the KVR Developer Challenge! Thank you all for your invaluable support. You can read the official announcement here: https://www.kvraudio.com/the-kvr-developer-challenge-2023—winners-announced. If you have not yet tried the plug-in, please feel free to do so -> download at […]

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Introducing Wave Breaker

Dear all, I am pleased to announce the release of Wave Breaker, the ultimate true-peak stereo limiter plug-in! It’s available for free, you can download it from here. Wave Breaker is part of this year’s KVR Developer Challenge. If you like it, please consider voting for it. Go to KVR Audio, log in (or create […]

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Change Default Settings in Wave Observer

Hey folks, I have just updated Wave Observer and Wave Observere Pro. The latest versions give you the ability to store your preferred settings to disk. Just click on the new button “store” under the “Settings” tab and the next time you load a new instance of the plug-in you will immediately get your favourite […]

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January 2022 Update: Auto-zoom and more…

Hey folks, I hope you had a great start into the new year with a lot of time for your favourite audio projects! Here is a little update from my end: Auto-zoom is almost ready for release! I was a little skeptical in the beginning of the implementation phase, but after playing with this new […]

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2022 will be golden.

Dear audiophiles, 2021 is slowly but surely coming to its end, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude. Thank you for your support and the invaluable feedback over the past months. You are awesome! To show my appreciation for your loyalty, I have prepared a little Christmas present. The […]

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